251 Symptoms of fibromyalgia (hard to believe). What are yours?

Fibromyalgia affects more than 5 million people in the United States and their number is increasing. There are many uncomfortable signs of fibromyalgia. It is recognized as an invisible disease because people can not see how they are suffering from the disease. Usually fibromyalgia is a rather serious situation for the victim and his symptoms have to be identified.

We have compiled the list of some of the worst symptoms and added their coping methods. Then we compiled and classified the list of all symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Here is the general list of symptoms of fibromyalgia


  • 1. Activity level reduced to less than 50{f3a6a30fe8ec83c88e3a096004ddf2d5481b76e701b36185325949387956c891} of the level of activity before the disease
  • 2. cold hands and feet (limbs)
  • 3. cough
  • 4. Meaningful carbohydrates
  • 5. Late response to physical activity or stressful events
  • 6. Dry eyes and / or mouth
  • 7. Edema
  • 8. Family member (s) with fibromyalgia
  • 9. Fatigue, aggravated by physical exertion or stress
  • 10. is often cold
  • 11. Often feel warm
  • 12. frequent sighs
  • 13. palpitations
  • 14. Hoarseness
  • 15. Hypoglycaemia (decrease or decrease in blood sugar levels)
  • 16. increased thirst
  • 17. Low blood pressure (less than 110/70)
  • 18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
  • 19. Low fever
  • 20. night sweating
  • 21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
  • 22. Poor circulation in the hands / feet
  • 23. abundant perspiration
  • 24. Recurrent flu syndrome
  • 25. Shortness of breath with little or no effort
  • 26. Serious nasal allergies (new or worsening)
  • 27. avoid keel
  • 28. Subjective swelling of the limbs – (feels bloated Bu finds nothing)
  • 29. sweating
  • 30. Symptoms aggravated by air travel
  • 31. Symptoms aggravated by stress
  • 32. Symptoms aggravated by temperature changes
  • 33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck and armpits
  • 34. Vibrate or shake
  • 35. Unexplained weight gain or loss


  • 36. pain in the abdominal wall
  • 37. Bad hip pain
  • 38. burning nerve pain
  • 39. chest pain
  • 40. clavicle pain
  • 41. Diffuse swelling
  • 42. pain in the elbow
  • 43. Plantar or heel pain is aggravated
  • 44. “Growing” pains that do not disappear once you have grown
  • 45. Headache – tension or migraine
  • 46. ​​Cartilage of inflamed ribs
  • 47. pain in the joints
  • 48. lumpy and soft breasts
  • 49. morning stiffness
  • 50. Muscle pain
  • 51. Spierspasmen
  • 52. spiersamentrekkingen
  • 53. Muscle weakness
  • 54. Pain from moderate to severe
  • 55. Pain that moves through the body
  • 56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
  • 57. Restless legs syndrome
  • 58. Pain in the ribs
  • 59. Pain on the scalp (as if the hair had been torn off)
  • 60. pain similar to sciatica
  • 61. Biedpunten of triggerpunten
  • 62. syndrome the TMJ
  • 63. “Voodoo doll” stimulates feeling in random places


  • 64. Blackouts
  • 65. Brain mist
  • 66. carpaal tunnel
  • 67. Do you feel strange
  • 68. hallucinatory odors
  • 69. Inability to think clearly
  • 70. Wonderful
  • 71. intolerance to noise
  • 72. numbness or tingling sensation
  • 73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
  • 74. Attacks
  • 75. Episodes that resemble convulsions
  • 76. The feeling that you pass out
  • 77. Syncope (fainting)
  • 78. Tinnitus (buzzing in one or both ears)
  • 79. Dizziness or dizziness


  • 80. Collide against things
  • 81. awkward walk
  • 82. Difficulty distribution
  • 83. Difficulties in assessing distances (driving, etc.)
  • 84. Directional disorientation
  • 85. Releasing objects regularly
  • 86. To feel spatially disoriented
  • 87. stumble or stumble often
  • 88. Do not see what you are looking at
  • 89. Bad balance and coordination
  • 90. Stunning pace


  • 91. Vigilance / energy is better late at night
  • 92. Modified sleep / standby schedule
  • 93. Wake up regularly
  • 94. Hard to fall asleep
  • 95. Difficulty to stay asleep
  • 96. Excessive sleep
  • 97. extreme alertness or nocturnal energy levels
  • 98. Fall asleep at random and sometimes dangerous times
  • 99. fatigue
  • 100. light or broken sleep
  • 101. Muscle spasms / convulsions at night
  • 102. narcolepsy
  • 103. Sleep disorders
  • 104. begins to sleep or falls sensations
  • 105. Grinding of teeth
  • 106. Throw and turn
  • 107. Non-refreshing or restorative sleep
  • 108. Dreams / nightmares alive or disturbing


  • 109. Angles in sight
  • 110. Eye pain
  • 111. Difficulty to go from one thing to another
  • 112. Frequent changes in the ability to see clearly
  • 113. Bad driving at night
  • 114. Occasional blurry vision
  • 115. Poor night vision
  • 116. rapid deterioration of vision
  • 117. Changes in vision


  • 118. Get lost in familiar places behind the wheel
  • 119. Confusion
  • 120. Difficulties to express ideas with words
  • 121. Difficulties in following a conversation (especially if background noise is present)
  • 122. Difficult to follow the directions while driving
  • 123. Difficulties to follow oral instructions
  • 124. Difficulties to follow written instructions
  • 125. Difficulty to make decisions
  • 126. Difficult to move your mouth to speak
  • 127. Difficulties to watch out for
  • 128. Difficulty in collecting ideas for a complete picture
  • 129. Difficulties in arranging tasks or things
  • 130. Difficulties to recognize faces
  • 131. Difficulty in pronouncing known words
  • 132. Problems with remembering object names
  • 133. Remembering difficult names of people
  • 134. Difficult to understand what you read
  • 135. Difficulties with long-term memory
  • 136. Difficulties with simple calculations
  • 137. Difficulties with short-term memory
  • 138. Easily distracted during a task
  • 139. Occasionally dyslexia-like symptoms
  • 140. Too disoriented to drive
  • 141. Forget to do routine things
  • 142. Change in the concentration capacity
  • 143. Inability to recognize a familiar environment
  • 144. To lose the thread in the middle of a task (remember what to do next)
  • 145. To lose your thinking in the middle of a sentence
  • 146. Loss of ability to distinguish certain colors
  • 147. Bad judgment
  • 148. Short-term memory conditions
  • 149. Slow speech
  • 150. Look into space as you try to think
  • 151. stuttering; stutter
  • 152. Switch left and right
  • 153. Transposition (inversion) of numbers, words and / or letters as you speak
  • 154. Transposition (inversion) of numbers, words and / or letters in writing
  • 155. Difficulty concentrating
  • 156. Use the wrong word
  • 157. Difficulty finding words


  • 158. Sudden and / or unpredictable mood swings
  • 159. outbursts of anger
  • 160. Fear or fear in the absence of a clear cause
  • 161. Uncontrollable attacks from rabies
  • 162. Reduced appetite
  • 163. depressed mood
  • 164. Feel helpless and / or hopeless
  • 165. Fear that someone is knocking on the door
  • 166. Fear of ringing the telephone
  • 167. You feel worthless
  • 168. frequent crying
  • 169. Increased awareness – symptoms
  • 170. Inability to take advantage of previous activities
  • 171. Irrational fears
  • 172. Irritability
  • 173. overreaction
  • 174. Attacks of panic
  • 175. Personality changes – usually a worsening of the perverted state
  • 176. Phobias
  • 177. suicide attempts
  • 178. Suicidal thoughts
  • 179. Tendency to cry easily


  • 180. Abdominal cramps
  • 181. Bloating
  • 182. Reduced appetite
  • 183. Fancy food
  • 184. frequent constipation
  • 185. frequent diarrhea
  • 186. Gerd-type symptoms
  • 187. stomach acid
  • 188. increased appetite
  • 189. darmgas
  • 190. irritable bladder
  • 191. Irritable bowel syndrome
  • 192. Nausea
  • 193. Regurgitatie
  • 194. upset stomach
  • 195. Vomiting
  • 196. Weight gain
  • 197. Weight loss


  • 198. Reduced libido (sexual urge)
  • 199. Endometriosis
  • 200. Frequent urination
  • 201. helplessness
  • 202. Menstruatieproblemen
  • 203. Painful urination or bladder pain
  • 204. Pelvic pain
  • 205. prostate pain
  • 206. Aggravation of the premenstrual (or severe) syndrome


  • 207. Intolerance to alcohol
  • 208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
  • 209. Change of taste, smell and / or hearing
  • 210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
  • 211. Food sensitivities
  • 212. Sensitivity to light
  • 213. Sensitivity to mold
  • 214. Sensitivity to noise
  • 215. Sensitivity to odors
  • 216. Sensitivity to yeasts (frequent fungal infections on the skin, etc.)
  • 217. sensory overload
  • 218. Sensitivity to changes in pressure and humidity
  • 219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
  • 220. Vulvodynia


  • 221. Can write on the skin with your finger
  • 222. easy bruise
  • 223. Strikes and moguls
  • 224. Eczema or psoriasis
  • 225. hot / dry skin
  • 226. Ingrown hairs
  • 227. itchy / irritable skin
  • 228. mottled skin
  • 229 Skin rash or wounds
  • 230. Scars easily
  • 231. Sensitivity to the sun
  • 232. The skin suddenly turns bright red
  • Cardiovascular (heart)
  • 233. The “noise click” sounds through the stethoscope
  • 234. Fluttery heartbeat
  • 235. Palpitations
  • 236. Irregular heartbeat
  • 237. Powerful wrist in the ear
  • 238. Pain that mimics a heart attack
  • 239. Fast heartbeat
  • 240. Boring and apathetic hair
  • 241. thick and sizzling cuticles
  • 242. Irritated nail beds
  • 243. Nails that bend
  • 244. Pronounced nail edges
  • 245. Temporary hair loss
  • 246th evening
  • 247. Dental problems
  • 248. Disc degeneration
  • 249. hemorrhoids
  • 250. The nose is bleeding
  • 251. Periodontitis (gom)

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